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Map of the world's continents and oceans

Junior Climate 5 min

Credits Surfrider Foundation Europe

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Map of the world's contients and oceans

Map of the world's contients and oceans


Pacific Ocean: considered the largest of all oceans with an area of ​​165,250,000 km², or 43.5% of the total surface of all oceans.  The Pacific Ocean stretches from America to Asia.  It is bordered to the north by the Arctic Ocean and to the South by the Antarctic Ocean.

Atlantic Ocean: has an area of ​​106,400,000 km², or 28% of the total surface area of ​​all oceans. It is surrounded by the European and African continents to the east, by America to the west, by the Arctic Ocean to the north and by the Antarctic Ocean to the south.

Indian Ocean: covers 73,556,000 km², or 19.4% of the total surface area of all oceans. It starts at the east of  the African coasts, at the south of the Asian coasts, at the north  of the Antarctic Ocean and ends to the east of the southeast Asian and Australian coasts.

Arctic Ocean: covers 14 090 000 km² evening 3.7% of the surface of all the the oceans. It is delimited by the Arctic Circle, and is surrounded by the  north by the European, Asian and American continents.

Antarctic Ocean: it covers an area of ​​20 327 000 km² or 5.4% of the total surface area of all ​ oceans. It is considered to be an extension of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. 

Added on 25/01/21by Léa

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